Klub za slobodno letenje Fobos [The Fobos Free Flying Club] was founded in 2003 in Gospić and is somewhat of a successor to the previously established PK Leteći medvići. The club’s goals are the promotion and development of free flying as a sport, gaining paragliding and hang gliding skills and training, raising the level of safety through education and technical maintenance of flying equipment, achieving better results in competitions, encouraging members to creativity, etc.
The club, which has had around 80 members so far, constantly has 10 active members from all parts of the Lika-Senj County. Former members of the Club have founded local free flying clubs, such as PK Leteći medvjedići, KSML Fenix, and PK Sokolovi. KSL [FFC] Fobos maintains excellent cooperation with all clubs mentioned.
So far, we have participated in various national and open competitions, we have organized and participated in the organization of various competitions and other events in our area, we have organized training for pilots, various workshops, etc. In recent years, we’ve been organizing various competitions in the Velebit area, such as precision landings and Hike&Fly races.
During local competitions, we won first place several times individually and as a team. Statistically speaking, out of 35 active free flying clubs in the Republic of Croatia, KSL [FFC] Fobos is always among the top ten clubs and, on average, four to five of our pilots are among the top 100 flyers.

Contact person: Bruno Devčić
Kaniža bb
P.P. 12, 53 000 Gospić
Mobile: + 385 (0)98 43 97 92