In addition to beautiful landscapes, rich nature, and sources of drinking water, this area has a rich taste and aroma of indigenous local products. The recipes have been passed down from generation to generation and a lot of effort and love has been woven into the flavors of our food and drinks, but, most importantly, the flavors and aromas are shaped by the climate in which we live. In the past, the population of this area was mainly engaged in livestock, agriculture, and milling. The traditional diet was based on caloric foods that were the basis for performing heavy physical work in the field, forest, and at home. The autochthonous Lika meal starts with squeaky cheese and bass, Lika poles, and smoked bacon or prosciutto. For the main course, you can choose between lamb soup with dried meat, sauerkraut with ribs and sausages, or lamb on a spit, noodles with mushrooms, game dishes… and the meal ends with donuts or homemade scones. A large number of excellent restaurants will introduce each guest to the charms of taste and aroma of the Lika region.

Hotel Ana
Zagrebačka 18, Gospić
Phone: +385 (0)53 560 360
The “Čemu priša” Tavern
Kaniža bb
Phone: +385 (0)98 1983 968
Motel Maki
Budačka 200
Phone: +385 (0)53 575 510
Pizzeria Tomislav
Kaniška 76 a
Phone: +385 (0)53 574 633
Restaurant Prasina
Podoštra bb, 53000 Gospić
Phone: +385 (0)53 687 402
Mobile phone: +385 (0)098 284 945
The “Stara Lika” Restaurant
Ulica Dr. Franje Tuđmana 1, 53000 Gospić
Phone: +385 (0)53 658 160
Family Farms Gospić
Buy Croatian products,
provide support to farmers,
drivers of economic growth
See the list of family farms
The “Stara Dama” Tavern
Kaniška ulica 48, Gospić
Mob: +385 (0)98 9644 914
Restaurant Fratelli
Kaniška ulica 47, Gospić
Phone: +385 (0)98 9906 695
Restoran Javor
Budačka ul. 248, 53000 Gospić
Telefon: +385 98 200 351
Agroturizam djedovina – izletište Travel
Smiljanska ulica 32 , 53000 Gospić
Phone: +385 (0)98 161 45 64